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Failing Too Many

The story of the Norfolk State professor fired for failing too many students (see IHE's story here) is a kind...

In Which I Go Off My Nut

The end of every semester is, in a sense, a finality; all those minds I’ve been living in for four...

Trickle-Down Departments

Over at Easily Distracted, Tim Burke has a fascinating piece outlining his proposed hypothetical liberal arts college. Among other things...

ABCs and PhDs

Last month my son’s first grade class did a unit on plants, seeds, and fruits. When his teacher sent home...

Mothering at Mid-Career: on girl athletes and women professors…

Sunday's New York Times Magazine cover story by Michael Sokolove about girls with ACL injuries has me thinking. The article...

Random Glances of Exam Week

At her request, for Mother's Day I got TW a couple of little figurines that don't have facial features. TG...

Accentuate, I'm positive

Back over Xmas/New Year's, my daughter introduced me to Dracula's Riddle, which took me about a month's worth of spare...

False Economies

A friend who works at a respected public research university just sent me a copy of an all-campus email he...