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The Boy's Letter to President Obama

The Boy wrote a letter to President Obama in class, and brought it home today. In its entirety: Dear Mr...

Pretty v. Ugly at the University

Bernard Madoff is a classic Mafia-style gangster. He comes from gangsters - his mother was a crook. Investigators are looking...

An Occupational Program We Can't Sell

In a passing conversation a while back with a colleague who routinely works with local employers, I heard that the...

Mothering at Mid-Career: Working the System

There’s a block of time on my calendar this morning marked “work at home or behind closed doors: grade” and...

Counting (on) chickens

Like every other college and university in the country -- probably the world -- Greenback is pinching pennies. Hard. Discretionary...

Career Coach: Wrongs Must Be Writed!

Wrongs Must Be Writed! I'm away from school working on my thesis at another institution. I noticed the other day...


More so than at any time in my memory, this downturn has brought plenty of discussion of furloughs as a...

Taking stock

It's now a year since I started this series of miscellaneous ramblings. At such times the mind reflects, and may...