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Learning Not to Answer

I've had variations on this conversation several times recently. Professor: There's option A and option B, and I guess technically...

Dancing With Widow X

In my previous post I used a recalcitrant subject in an ethnography study, Widow X, as a symbol of all...

Not that I'm biased, but ...

Events like commencements tend to connect me to family members I haven't seen in a while. In this case, an...

Fun with Cognitive Dissonance

Both of these stories make sense on their own terms. But taken together, they neatly capture the basic dilemma in...

Math Geek Mom: One Fallacy and Two Paradoxes

Recently, our college president spoke to the faculty. In her speech to us, she said that some economists think that...

Motherhood After Tenure: professors and money

I love Suze Orman; I can’t help it. Like her counterpart, Doctor Ruth, Orman speaks frankly about a charged topic...

The Platinum Rule

Twice in the last month, I've been in meetings at which somebody suggested that the solution to some ongoing dilemma...

ABC's and Ph.D.'s: Back to Elementary School

When my older daughter started elementary school, I asked about helping out occasionally in her classroom and I was politely...