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ABC's and PhD's: Let's keep up the chatter and navel-gazing

I found the recent Wall Street Journal article about family-work balance blogs surprising. After all, in my own family my...

SCUP-44: Tuesday evening

As at all conventions, this one has a vendor showcase area. They call it the Idea Marketplace, although I always...

SCUP-44: Tuesday afternoon

Only one session this afternoon -- it was scheduled long and ran even longer. The presenter was John Tagg, an...

SCUP-44: Tuesday noon

One of the first sessions this morning was a presentation on the USGBC's Portfolio Program. Titled "From Building-Centric to Campus-Wide"...

Sunset Grants

This article is one of those think-tanky pieces that manages to mix the correct, the nearly-correct, and the wildly wrong...

Blogging, Politics, and the Personal

Blogs are boring. Did you know? No less an authority than the Wall Street Journal has decreed it so; indeed...

SCUP-44: Monday evening

Just a couple of additions to previous information. As regards Portland's public transit system (my experience of which will continue...