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Early Birds

Though I'm not sure I'd want to try it, I'm intrigued by the move proposed by Daniel Klaich, the chancellor...

My K-12 Blind Spot

We are a mixed LMS household. My 7th grader uses Moodle, I use Blackboard. Watching her use of Moodle to...

Long Distance Mom: Bra burning and Debutantes

“I am woman hear me snore.” I still own the cover to Helen Reddy’s much beloved 1972 album “I am...

ABC's and PhD's: Family leave

I found this article in the University of Maryland student newspaper last week describing an effort to expand family leave...

Wednesday Wonder Cabinet

Ever wonder how to handle an aggressive student in a writing workshop, who just happens to be a notorious serial...

Delayed Openings

We're heading into snow season again. That means we'll probably have another round of snow day decisions to make. Luckily...


I'm sitting in Boston's Logan airport, enjoying the free Google WiFi (until January 15th), preparing to fly to San Diego...

How to Leverage the Microsoft Cloud

Are you up for a thought experiment? Let's say that you were given the keys Microsoft's cloud. You could move...