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Love is Not Proud

Mrs. Churm, on the prospect of my being called for campus interviews: "I can’t believe you use that harsh deodorant...

The Times Whiffs Again

Several alert readers sent me links to this article from the New York Times. It's a weirdly chipper "pick up...

Video Projects, not Video Viewing

One good thing that I hope emerges from our whole discussion on curricular video and copyright is an extension of...

Sequestration reality check

The last time I did algebra in these pages, I crashed and burned. But the compulsion, triggered by President Obama's...

Motherhood after tenure: evaluation time

We received our fall semester course evaluations on the first day of the spring semester. The timing seems akin to...

Are Green Jobs the New Metric System?

A few years ago I mentioned my bewilderment at why the failure of the push to adopt the metric system...

In praise of Gordon Gekko

Today, I got lucky. It's usually better to be lucky than good (a poker player told me that one). It's...

Mashing not Viewing

Is the debate we are having about copyright and online streaming of course video (behind a password through the LMS)...