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Allocating Positions

It may seem weird for me to ask this now, after all these years, but how does your college allocate...

Motherhood after tenure: spa porn

I called in sick today for the first time in 18 years of teaching (not counting when I had emergency...

ABC's and PhD's: Book Club, revisited

At the beginning of November I blogged about our first meeting of the SS-MD-BC (second Sunday mother-daughter book club) my...

Tick Tock

Last night I took The Girl to the local Father-Daughter dance, which is a big event for girls here in...

Managing to change

According to the web newsletter Environmental Leader, the British consulting firm Verdantix has just published a report describing four strategies...

The Fun of Novel Writing

I’d forgotten how fun, even exciting, the early stages of research on a novel can be. This week I’ve gotten...

Local Control?

I know I'm supposed to believe that standardization, state or national rules, or anything beyond local control is of the...

Mothering at Mid-Career: February Blues

February, not April, is the cruelest month. Ask anyone in the mid-Atlantic states who's been pummelled by snow for the...