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No Problem!

Late last week, hearings were held in Congress on whether federal agencies that pour billions of tax dollars into research...

Embracing the Academic-Industrial Complex

The NYTimes may not be convinced that our academic leaders should serve on multiple corporate boards, but I'm a big...

Lessons from the Woods

The vacation was a much-needed blessing. We were lucky in many ways: the weather cooperated, the kids were on their...

From Impressionism to Modernity: Do Russian universities need learning management systems?

During my last trip to US last week I had very “impressionist” experience. It was partly due to the a...

Bread crumb the fourth - In the housing development

Whilst traveling through a housing market well-removed from Backboro, I was struck by the prices developers were getting for moderately...

Textbook Alternatives

My psychic powers tell me that in the next few weeks, as the back-to-school rush hits, we’ll be inundated with...

Essays that Lie

I was very pleased to read the recent news article in Inside Higher Ed describing the new essay service that...

Summer's Labour's Lost

My sons and I hold a recurrent discussion about the reason school lets out in early June and resumes on...