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Wifi at Student Affairs Conferences

My parents have relied on phone-based modem access to the internet for years. In rural Iowa, reliable access to the...

Car-mic relief

OK, if superheroes aren't your idea of "comic", here's something that might be. A VW Beetle that's powered by the...

Remembering Brian Flowers

Brian Flowers, 1924-2010 I've just said by last farewell to a former boss while welcoming a new one. Brian Flowers...

"Wherefore art thou," . . . Wait, who are you, again?

Guest blogger, Afshan Jafar, writing from Connecticut in the USA. Photo: Afshan Jafar Afshan Jafar For a while now, everywhere...

Ask the Administrator: Ranks

A new correspondent writes: Why are ranks at Community Colleges sometimes different from those at 4-year schools? For example, my...

Comic belief

I often have two or three books going simultaneously, one or two of them "serious" and one much less so...

eBooks - Year Two

Greetings, dear reader, and welcome to DigitalTweed. Launched in 1999 as a column in Converge Magazine, DT later appeared in...


Hurricane Katrina helped convince much of higher education that there is a tremendous need for emergency planning. And many of...