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I have been spending the last few days reviewing my tenure and promotion recommendations to the President. Each tenure and...

The Pressure to Please

Aeron Haynie’s excellent post on girls and weight/eating issues made me rethink Ms. Mentor’s most recent column, “Being Nice or...

Nine Common Errors When Building a New World-Class University

“The opportunity to start from a blank page and create an entire institution from concept to reality is a rare...

Write Your Heaven, Win a Prize

Katherine Mansfield wrote, “Ach, Tchekov! Why are you dead? Why can’t I talk to you in a big darkish room...


Donald Light, currently Lorry Lokey Visiting Professor of Human Biology at Stanford, has presented a paper at this year's American...

Watching the Money

How will it all work out? The budget is a mess, the economy weak, the quality of high school graduates...

Responding to 'A question (about universities, global challenges, and an organizational-ethical dilemma)'

Editors' note: today's guest entry has been kindly developed by Dr. Lucia Rodriguez, director of the Global Master’s in Development...

So What Are You Going To Be When You Grow Up?

“So what can you do with a degree in Cultural Studies?” I felt the deer-caught-in-headlights look come over my face...