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Social Media and Labor Law

The National Labor Relations Board decision to make termination for cause illegal in the case of an employee’s post on...

Nobody (but me) Likes Kindle for Coursepacks

I want a Kindle option for my digital coursepack. Almost everyone I'm working with insists that this is a bad...

How I keep up with the constant flow

What's new [with technology]? How do you do it? You must be online all the time? I get asked these...

Friday Fragments

Actual dinner conversation: TW: So-and-so is dumb as a rock. TG: Rocks aren’t dumb! TB: Yeah! Rocks tell scientists lots...

Puzzled by Patron-Driven Acquisitions

The buzz at the recent Charleston Conference (and practically every other recent conference at which academic librarians have gathered) is...

Connecting With My Intellectual Family

I like conferences, I confess. There are so many types of conferences these days that it is hard to choose...

Math Geek Mom: Wisdom from the Neighborhood

One way that economists commonly use statistics is to do “forecasting”, to take what is known about today and to...

Motherhood After Tenure: book covers and first impressions

It's time to order the books for my spring courses. Because I teach Victorian novels, I'm continually trying to negotiate...