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Associations of universities and the deep internationalization agenda: beyond the status quo?

Do our associations of universities have the adequate capabilities, including infrastructures, to support the well-spring of 'internationalization' that is emerging...

But we like silos

I probably shouldn't have been surprised by the mid-career faculty member who didn't know her way around her own campus...

Weather wimps

My part of the world, Vancouver, B.C., is full of weather wimps, and I count myself among them. We like...

Happy Thanksgiving

Depending on your point of view, I either did something rash in accepting an invitation to participate in The Ohio...


“Why them and not us?” Managing the different impacts of microbenefits is a surprisingly large part of my job. I’m...

A Course is not a Class is not a Section

Are classes the same thing as courses and sections? Simple questions about student data can quickly disintegrate into details too...

College Bookstores and the Internet

Anecdotally, it looks like the new Higher Education Act is doing a number on college bookstores, and on bookstores in...

Thanks for the Internet (and Let's Make Sure We Keep It)

Can you remember what life was like before the Internet? I can ... but barely. I remember sending my first...