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Pep Talks

This one is both a confession and a thank you. Every once in a while, the level of toxicity in...

"My Word!": Rethinking the Roots of Plagiarism

Our next book club selection for our Center for the Advancement of Learning ( DCAL) is My Word!: Plagiarism and...

The Edupunks are coming … to an Edu-Factory near you!

From the archives - this post was originally published at on 2010.04.06. I have always been attracted to everyday...

Awkward activism

Our stubborn refusal to go with the flow may have put our son in an awkward position. This month kids...

Conversations I Never Hear

I overhear a fair amount of student conversation, just walking the hallways and occasionally eating in the cafeteria. Words I...

The Importance of Classes

On the 3rd of January, I showed up bright and early for my Comparative Politics class and was peeved that...

TV, Higher Ed, and Change

Will higher ed follow the TV quality curve? TV today is immeasurably better than the time when I was in...