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ABC's and PhD's: Race to Nowhere

I had another blog planned, but I just got back from a presentation of the film “Race to Nowhere,” (see...


Tenured Radical has a thoughtful piece about faculty taking the bait when students with political agendas try to provoke them...

A Checklist for Deciding to Read 'Super Sad True Love Story'

To determine if you should read Super Sad True Love Story: A Novel by Gary Shteyngart please check the following...

Buying Blackboard

"Buying Blackboard" is often a topic of interesting campus conversations this time of year as colleges and universities move through...

Listserv Tattletale

“For openers, I don't think you understand the difference between descriptive and normative statements, and you've obviously got a chip...

What's Technology Got To Do With IT?

I know that both Tina Turner's song and the it/IT thing are hackneyed, but what does technology have to do...

Ask the Administrator: Incentives for Course Evaluations

In a timely note, a regular correspondent writes: My college is on a big push to do course evals... we...

Mothering at Mid-Career: Another passage

I loved Susan O’Doherty’s blog post on the rite of “passagio” that she’s going through right now as her son...