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Long Distance Mom: Yoga and Afghanistan

My sister Emily, a young mother with lots of experience in post-war conflict resolution, moved to Afghanistan last week for...

10 Reasons Why #satechBOS and #edutweetup Will Happen Again

July has been a mega-month for conferences and higher education meetings. My travel docket included: ISTE, ACUHO-I, NCSRMR and a...

#NCSRMR Insights, #EExpect Data, and Web Governance

Does your work have anything to do with student recruitment, marketing, or retention? If you answered yes, then you absolutely...

My family in a nutshell

Few people make me laugh the way my family members do, especially my sister. Sometimes all it takes is a...

Imaginative Transcripts

It’s not often the words imagination and innovation are used in the context of transcripts, or anything related to most...

Farming and framing

If you haven't already, you should read Allie Grasgreen's article on student-worked (and sometimes student-run) campus farms in today's IHE...

Search: How Libraries Do it Wrong

A couple of new articles forthcoming in College & Research Libraries just caught my eye. The first, by Brett Bodemer...

I Ride a Donkey in a Drizzle

The secret of most writers I know is that if they’re writing (and working at whatever job permits them to...