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Live@EDU, Hosted Blackboard, and the Deal Microsoft Should Announce at EDUCAUSE (But Won't)

Pretend you work for Microsoft's Live@edu division. Your job is to get institutions of higher education to adopt your cloud...

Changing the sex of academia: A complex operation?

The academic marketplace is expected to be democratic and it is therefore assumed that women should be represented in continuously...


The word “occupation” has been getting a workout lately. The Occupy Wall Street movement, which seems to have gone viral...

Life with keyboards

My six-year-old is too young to understand the impact Steve Jobs will have on her life. However, she unintentionally paid...

Netflix's Qwikster Reversal and Higher Ed: 3 Lessons

The news from Neftlix CEO Reed Hastings "no change: one website, one account, one password … in other words, no...

What is a Blog Post?

“What’s the point of this?” “Poorly argued.” “This isn’t about anything.” Lee Skallerup I’ve read these comments at the bottom...

You! Out of the Pool!

This kind of situation gives administrators fits, since there’s no easy answer. Let’s say a student is so disruptive in...

Columbus Discovers Illinois

Columbus arrived triumphantly here in the Midwest this past week, dressed in his embroidered robes and that pincushion hat thing...