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Ask the Administrator: Improved Open Admissions

A regular reader writes: I teach at an open admission, 4 year college. Unlike community colleges, we actually pull our...

ABC's and PhD's: Language bonds

Last August, while selling cookies and lemonade at a stand she set up with a friend, my 12-year-old daughter met...

3 Questions for Blackboard at EDUCAUSE 2011

This is an important EDUCAUSE for Blackboard. Many of us will be taking a hard look at the company, the...

So it's Sunday evening and I'm in my office on campus.

I like being here when it’s unnervingly deserted. It’s a great time to make sure I’m up to speed on...

Enrolments decreasing by one million students? System contraction in Poland and the implications

The fall in enrolment levels in Poland expected for 2025 is the highest in Europe, and comparable in the OECD...

Mothering at Mid-Career: Academic, Interrupted

This was supposed to be a post about service. I was struck that last week’s post didn’t receive many comments...

Consultation and Conflicts

This piece in the Washington Post -- sent along by a few alert readers -- inadvertently draws attention to one...

Adrian Sannier, Pearson's OpenClass Guru, Responds to IHE Community Questions

Before we get to OpenClass, and my re-posting Senior Pearson VP Adrian Sannier's answers about our IHE community OpenClass questions...