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Ed Tech Sales

Do you work in ed tech higher ed sales? My goal in this post is to start a discussion, with the result of the larger IHE community gaining a better understanding of the world of an ed tech sales professional. I'll describe what I think I know about the life of sales professional in education technology, and you tell us where I get it wrong or right.

What David R. Slavitt Knows

Contributor Okla Elliott interviews writer, poet and translator David R. Slavitt.

Retaining the STEM Dropouts

A recent story in The New York Times highlights the high attrition rate among STEM majors. Will universities change the way these fields are taught? Or will students interested in STEM just turn elsewhere (off-campus perhaps) to learn?

Finding a Mentor

I am in year one as the Chair of the Academic Women’s Caucus on campus. This includes all women faculty (all streams and part or full-time, as well as Librarians, who are tenure-line faculty). As I have noted elsewhere, I have made mentoring a major mandate of my leadership on campus in this position, and my philosophy in and outside of the classroom with students.

ABCs and PhDs: Toddler visit

Two weeks ago my brother (a recently unemployed PhD in molecular neuroscience, working hard to find a job in biotech)...

Academic Advising

Quick, what’s the most vexing aspect of academic advising at a community college?

I’m a Swiss Army Knife

We talk, in higher ed, about collegiality, interdisciplinarity, and public engagement. We attempt talk about solidarity, but the divide between those who are on and who are off the tenure-track couldn’t be larger. We say we want higher ed to change for the better, but we keep perpetuating the same structures, with the same results, and marginalizing and excluding any voices that may help change happen.

#EDUniverse - Higher Education's New High-Tech Hub

"If you’re a web developer, designer, social media strategist, PR person, or marketer working in higher education, you know that there’s a lot of valuable content that can provide insights, examples, and inspiration for your own initiatives."