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Which Works Should We Cite?

Knowing whom a journal expects us to cite in our work is often almost impossible. How, then, can we expect our students to know whom to cite?

Dr. Candidate

I have an unusual addiction for an academic. I enjoy drinking my morning coffee with the “ Morning Mika ”...

Punching Above Their Weight

The best performing community colleges aren’t necessarily those with the highest graduation or transfer rates; they’re those that consistently punch above their weight.

Facebook is a $100 Billion Tulip

This post is aimed at university chief investment officers. Please don't put endowment resources into the planned 2012 Facebook IPO. If Russian oligarchs or Wall Street fund managers want to place a Facebook bet, by all means go for it.

Right Time

Late this week, I received a letter from our longest serving faculty member. This person has served for over 50 years as a full-time faculty member and continues to be an excellent teacher, an outstanding colleague and a respected scholar.

Winterize Your Life: Preparing to Leave Campus for Break

During the first winter break of my graduate school career, I left campus for more than a month. When I returned, I discovered that all of my mail had been removed from my mailbox and had been returned to the senders courtesy of the U.S. Postal Service. Easy rookie mistake. As you wrap up the semester, start preparing for your departure from campus (if that's in the cards for you). "Winterize" your life. Even if you're leaving campus for a short period, planning ahead is important, and you should consider the needs of your academic, professional, and personal selves. Written by Amy Rubens, Indiana University PhD candidate in English, @ambulantscholar

Best of GradHacker: Personal and Wellness

In grad school the focus is primarily on coursework, research and funding. While the advice we receive on these topics from advisors and talks is necessary, it doesn’t help with the other side of grad school: the emotional and social. We are more than just students, and sometimes we can get caught up in the pressure and stress of getting our degree. Some of the most common problems suffered by grads are not getting research topics or forming their committees, but rather the day to day stresses and personal issues.

Peer-Driven Learning: Success!

My first peer-driven learning classes are over. It was, by and large, a success.