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The 15 Best Nonfiction Books of 2011

Looking forward to reading about your favorite nonfiction books of 2011. Without exception, every book in my list was purchased from Amazon as an audiobook (through Audible) or a Kindle e-book.

Teachable Moments of Feminism

Teachable moments are sometimes incredibly ironic. Last week, when leading a discussion on feminist criticism for a literary theory class, I began by asking my students what questions they might pose when taking a feminist approach to a fictional text. I am often met with an awkward silence at the beginning of a lesson, and so, as usual, I waited next to the chalkboard for someone to respond rather than providing an answer for them. One of my male students finally said angrily, “I feel like you’re mocking us when you stand there waiting for an answer. You look sardonic.”

With Microsoft's So.Cl, Have We Reached "Peak Social"?

Microsoft launched a new social network for students last week: Is it time to declare "peak social"? Or at least "peak social networks"?

Education from Nowhere

I'm in the process of reading William Morris's 1896 utopian novel "News from Nowhere", of which I'm sure I'll have more to say in a bit.

Know and Do: Tech Proficiency Improves Efficiency

Efficiency is important. Being more efficient usually means that you have more time. Having more time generally allows additional space for innovation, planning, conversing, thinking, creativity, etc. Technology can be instrumental in making us more efficient. For Student Affairs professionals, efficiency is something that we can usually increase.

The Value of Doing Research - and Sharing It

I have been thinking about my last post in which (taking a leaf from Mark Bauerlein) I questioned the emphasis we put on quantity of peer-reviewed publications as the primary determinant of who will be recognized as a scholar worthy of tenure. Publications become a kind of currency traded for a safe job – a currency that is suffering from inflation.

Gift Cultures

I don’t think of myself as Scrooge, but this time of year the endless questions around “secret Santas” and informal gift exchange always crop up. Lesboprof’s take is particularly thoughtful.