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The Wake-Up Call

We have family friends whose older son started college this Fall. Apparently, when he got his Fall grades last month, he had his head handed to him. Having reeled from the shock for a while, now he’s studying much more aggressively than he ever has before.

Searching for the Holy Grail of learning outcomes

Today's entry is a timely one given debates about the enhanced importance of assessing learning outcomes at a range of scales (from the intra-departmental right up to the global scale).

Announcing #femlead

We are pleased to announce the inauguration of #femlead: a biweekly (every other week) Twitter chat focusing on women in higher education leadership.

The Newberry Library: A User’s Guide

If you work in the humanities, you might want to check out the Newberry Library in Chicago. This research library has a number of core collections in American history and culture, American Indian and Indigenous studies, Chicago and the Midwest, history of the book, and Medieval and Renaissance studies. These collections include manuscripts, maps, images, music, and are supported by numerous secondary source materials.

What We Have Here, Is a Failure to Communicate

Greetings and salutations from the temporary occupant of this august space.

Unexpected Optimism

The PEW Research Center published a report on February 9th entitled, "Young, Underemployed, and Optimistic." I was intrigued.

Bad Female Academic: More Money, Please

I'm a Bad Female Academic for daring to aspire to earn what I am worth and hopefully reform higher education at the same time.

Building Momentum: An Introvert’s Story

My word of the year was going to be “joy” but after a month of reflection, what I really want to focus on is building momentum. How do I build momentum while not changing my job, my location, or returning to school?