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How Do You Develop a Wildly Successful Alumni Relations Effort?

Ask most alumni relations professionals the secret of success and they will have a common refrain.

My Life As a McPh.D.

I should have paid heed when I was still in my work clothes of sweats and greasy hair. Everyone told me to plan a career while I was a Ph.D. student. Don’t just think deep thoughts and write about them. Frame the work in a career trajectory so that I could launch myself straight through the windows of the ivory tower before the ink on the diploma was even dry. I didn’t listen.

Long Distance Mom: Catwoman and the Gun Thing

The media has supported an outpouring of grief and anguish for the victims of the Aurora, Colorado massacre at the midnight screening of “The Dark Knight Rises.”

No-Kid Week

The Boy had basketball camp last week, and The Girl had “zoo camp” at a local zoo. Both were day camps, so whatever they did during the day, they were home at night. This week, they’ve been partly absent.

Rejecting Tainted Recognitions—Honoring Academic Citadels

On July 17, 2012, the fight to block the deeply tainted Equatorial Guinea International Prize for Research in the Life Sciences has been lost. Despite numerous powerful voices and massive criticism, the UNESCO Executive Board went ahead with awarding the prize.

Or, I could blame "lower ed" . . .

It's probably a little bit (but only a little bit) unfair of me to lay blame for the cultural immaturity that is consumerism at the door of American higher education. After all, most of the behaviors and expectations that prevent children (consumers) from becoming adults (citizens) are established well before entry to college or university.

The Portent of Failing Law Schools

Inside Higher Ed's article on Failing Law Schools suggests a book that sums up many current discontents regarding legal education in the United States. =Curiously, the main criticism against the education would appear to be the price; little is said here, or elsewhere, about the substance: examination, criticism and argumentation that a good legal education imparts to its students.

The Last Future

I’m just old enough to remember when evening classes were the hotbed of enrollment growth.