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Comparing the iTunes U iOS App to LMS Mobile Apps

Our students want to interact with their courses on mobile devices. The problem is that we have built our online platforms mostly around the browser. The LMS providers are all putting out mobile apps, but so far I have found that these apps offer a poor experience compared to the browser.

Long Distance Mom: Olympic Brain Trials

This past weekend I went to the regional tournament for the senior Olympic basketball games in Springfield, Illinois. My partner, Ted Hardin, is turning 50 this year, which makes him eligible to play. Teams from Chicago, Evanston and St. Louis showed up at a spacious Gold’s Gym to play in 3-on-3 tournaments. A fascinating group of players, including a federal judge in her mid-60s, participated.

Making Word Clouds with Wordle

In December of 2010, I copied all of the text from every blog post that I had ever written for Inside Higher Ed into a text file. The document represented six months worth of entries and I recall that it took a fair amount of time to put it together. My goal in doing this exercise was to create a word cloud using that I could use as the header graphic for my "six month anniversary" post. The word cloud, with a few formatting tweaks (font, color, layout) in Wordle, turned out to be a nice summary of the most-used words in my posts. In fact, this particular word cloud has turned up all over the web as it seems to be a popular Student Affairs themed graphic.

Creative Insights in Thinking About Strategy

Earlier this year I had the opportunity to travel to Lithuania to work with the ISM University of Management and Economics on thinking through strategy and how they compete in the global market for management education.

Sucstress in Grad School

Colleague: Hey, I heard that you completed [insert task] (comps, proposal, thesis dissertation document)! You: Yes, it feels great it out of the way! Colleague: I bet. So now you just need to [insert next daunting task] (do your proposal, write your dissertation, find a job). You: *glass shatters*.... yeah, thanks for reminding me.

Mobile Curriculum on an iPhone with iTunes U

Have you experimented with building a course yet with the new iTunes U Course Manager?

Cattle Call, or More Fun with Imperfect Analogies

What we can learn from striking/locked-out millionaires.

Bad Female Academic: Putting Myself First?

I went to see a good female friend of mine this week. I was feeling pretty low about not hearing about a new job and the grind of the upcoming semester. We have both been traveling quite a bit (me more than her, but she just got back from a vacation) and have been busy. When all of the chaos surrounding my job application happened, there wasn’t really time to consult with my friends here where I live (nor did I want to announce it, in case I didn’t get an interview). We hadn’t really spoken about it yet.