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'Grit' in the Writing Classroom

"Grit" is good, but it isn't vital.


The new benefit for Starbucks workers.

How Humor Can Transform Your Classroom

Increasing student engagement through humor

4 Questions for EDUCAUSE's Diana Oblinger

Thoughts on the evolving role of technology in higher ed.

Investing in International Students

Preliminary data hint that universities need to give deeper consideration to the implications of working with third parties.

Long Term Needs

At the time that I stood for tenure, I was the only untenured person in the economics department.

Belated Book Review: David Foster Wallace’s ‘Both Flesh and Not’

The most recent book, a posthumous essay collection.* *Which I just read in hard cover though it’s two years old, because the public library just acquired it or just shelved it with new books. It makes me want to throw over the whole idea of reviewing books when they first drop and do belated reviews of ones that have great titles such as British Manly Exercises, Containing Rowing and Sailing, Riding & Driving, &c.,&c (1837), by Donald Walker.