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Email Trouble

The summer's usually a quiet time in academia, but UD's been kept busy covering a surprising number of dustups --...

Recruiting Student-Athletes

Nothing gets our academic principles exercised quite as quickly as a conflict between athletic excellence and academic standards. Any issue...

In the Year 2017, I'm a God

I caught a lot of grief this summer from readers upset with what I’ve posted on this blog. No, I...

Ask My Readers: How to Make a Career Decision?

A new correspondent writes: I have a career decision dilemma, and I'm not sure where to go for help/advice.After receiving...

Adjuncting Your Way In?: An E-pistolary Exchange

This originated as a private email exchange, but after it developed, my correspondent asked me to post it to the...

Monday Musings

I'm not proud of this, but a few nights ago TB and I were reading Pirates Past Noon, an installment...

Look at Me! I'm a Scientist!

I wish . No, I’m merely lounging on science’s deck, drinking its beer and waiting for the steaks to come...

Ask the Administrator: Do CC Students Miss Out?

A prospective college student writes: I'm about to start my college career as a freshman at our local community college...