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Ask the Administrator: Is Working at a CC the Kiss of Death in Academia?

A longtime reader writes: I'm hoping you and your readers can offer some input. I'm on the cusp of receiving...

Rejected by U of P

I've been rejected to teach online at the University of Phoenix. I'll survive. But I'll admit to being a little...

Watch more TV

OK, I admit it. For me, watching pretty much any TV is watching "more". But from time to time, there...

Furlough Fridays

I am fortunate to have a broad vantage point on education that spans kindergarten through graduate school. In addition to...

One Plate I Definitely Don't Want to Drop

For a few months there, I thought I was finally getting a handle on this “balancing work and life” thing...

Love is Not Proud

Mrs. Churm, on the prospect of my being called for campus interviews: "I can’t believe you use that harsh deodorant...

The Times Whiffs Again

Several alert readers sent me links to this article from the New York Times. It's a weirdly chipper "pick up...

Video Projects, not Video Viewing

One good thing that I hope emerges from our whole discussion on curricular video and copyright is an extension of...