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Long Distance Mom: Tweets

For the next few weeks my two teenagers are with their dad and my contact with them is primarily digital...

If I Could Bottle That...

A few weeks ago, we went to a local photographer to get some family portraits done. Last night we went...

The Digital Native Fundamental Attribution Error

I agree with all of Arthur Levine's conclusions in "Digital Students, Industrial-Era Universities." Our course designs, teaching methods, and institutional...

Obama last night

If I tripped over a glass bottle and released a genii who would grant me a single wish, I might...

The temporal rhythm of academic life in a globalizing era

The globalization of higher education and research is associated with a wide variety of shifts and changes, many of which...

ABC's and PhD's: Stuff

I didn’t write last week because I was overwhelmed in getting ready for our annual migration west. We spend the...

Does This Make Me Transhuman?

An acquaintance who was a mid-level IT manager likes to remind me, every time I say I resist technology, that...

Scarcity and Course Design

I'm reading Clay Shirky's amazing new book Cognitive Surplus: Creativity and Generosity in a Connected Age (have you downloaded it...