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The C word

I had the pleasure of attending my local high school graduation last week. This was a class that was recognized...

Rising to Aeron's Challenge, Partly

I admired Aeron’s courage in raising important, and difficult, questions in her June 29 column. I wanted to respond with...

What's New 9 July 2011

What’s New at University of Venus - Week Ending 9 July 2011 Our writers: ● Lee Skallerup Bessette will be...

The cadence of American history (?)

There are just too many ideas swirling around in my mind for me to be succinct. Or, probably, even clear...

Class and Summer Classes

The kids who most need summer classes are the least likely to get them. The folks who study student success...

Dear Fellow Late iPhone / Android Adopters

Dear fellow Late iPhone / Android adopters (e.g. dumb phone owners). And before either of the Windows phone folks, or...

Refusing Silence: What No One Else is Talking About

Lee Skallerup Recently in Inside Higher Ed, I wrote, along with three of my UVenus colleagues, a response to Rumana...

Math Geek Mom: Multiplying by Zero

As a math geek, I often find myself using math language to describe everyday life. For example, if I don't...