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Anticipating Fall and Planning Accordingly

With COVID fading slightly into the background, use this summer to prepare for other issues you’re likely to encounter this year.

Individual Mask Mandates: Readers Respond

In which wise and worldly readers address whether individual faculty should be able to require masks in their sections.

Class-Specific Mask Requirements

Should professors be allowed to require masks in their own in-person sections?

Should You Get That Ph.D.?

A response to Arie Spirgel’s piece, “Do You Really Need a Ph.D.?”

Protecting Your Flourishing

Knowing when it’s time to move on.

Friday Fragments

Dual enrollment, EV charging stations and truthfulness as an ethical practice.

True Threats to the Telos of the University

I hope people of shared values can come together.

‘Ages of American Capitalism’ and the New Era of For-Profit/Nonprofit Higher Ed

How reading this superb single-volume economic history of the U.S. helped me place the 2U/edX deal within its historical context.