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Ask the Administrator: Union Work as CV Stain?

A slightly nervous correspondent writes: I'm a grad student in a humanities discipline at a public university, and I'm set...

ABCs and PhDs: Tipping Point

The first days of a new year always fill me with a numbing sense of dread that is deeply rooted...

When it's better neither to give nor to receive

As a change agent with an audience consisting largely of young adults, I understand the value of tchotchkes. You know...

Mothering at Mid-Career: A New Chapter

This week my family starts a new chapter, as our daughter moves to San Francisco for the second half of...

The Uses of Students

A couple of weeks ago I had a conversation with a contact at a respected private university. We discussed the...

Welcome to The Year ...

... of Science. Please note: not just a year of science, but The Year of Science! Did you miss all...

Back in the Saddle Again

Christmas break was glorious, if a bit too short. After about a week of waking up at a civilized hour...

Math Geek Mom: Assume A Happy New Year

Economists make many assumptions in our efforts to mathematically model the world. Some of these assumptions instantly make sense to...