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Actual conversation from last night, at the kitchen table. The Girl is writing out her Valentine’s Day cards, and The...

Innovation as a Way of Life

Dallas may have been the center of the sports world on Sunday during the Super Bowl. But Texas aims to...


I’ll skip yet another weather-related rant, except to use it as a metaphor. Those of us in chilly climes know...

Barefoot Teaching

I’m preparing for my fifth trip to India, my second with students. I run the Global Corps Practicum program in...

Vimeo - Still Not A Viable Web Video Solution For Higher Education

I remember when I first watched a video on Vimeo. The video player was aesthetically pleasing and there were all...

Leaving the comfort zone

Last Saturday, I took my older daughter and her best friend to a performance of Nearly Lear at New York’s...

Instructure's Canvas LMS: 7 Cheers

Go and check out Instructure's new Canvas LMS. You can play with the system, as I have been doing, by...

On Trusting Our Kids

Frank Plantan objected to last week’s post, stating, I thought at first that your worries were that [my son] overstayed...