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Cross-Train Your Graduate School Career

Academic, professional, and personal cross-training will prepare advanced degree holders for a variety of post-graduation situations, including, but not only, employment outside of academia. In fact, based on my experience, cross-training can help one to land an academic position in a glutted academic job market. On the one hand, a diverse skill set might make increase one's attractiveness to search committees. On the other hand, a diverse skill set might create more job opportunities by expanding the kinds of positions for which an applicant can apply. Cross-training, then, engenders the flexibility needed to navigate challenging employment climates. (As for cultivating the emotional strength and endurance for the job search, that's a different post for another time -- and one that I hope to write for GradHacker soon.)

New Faculty Majority Summit: Can We Bridge the Trust Gap?

Saturday January 28th is the first ever National Summit on Adjunct Faculty issues. Will it make a difference?

On Notice?

President Obama has put higher education “on notice” that if we keep raising tuition, we’ll get our public funding cut...

Disruption and Implications

There was an interesting article in Forbes last week, “ Disruption: Coming Soon to a University Near You.” In the...

Instructure, Security Testing, and Social Media

I want be very careful and cautious when talking about how to best identify and remediate security vulnerabilities in our learning management systems (LMS). The security of our LMS platforms is too important a topic in which to draw conclusions or recommendations in the absence of expert recommendations and an informed discussion.

How Does It Make You Feel?

With more than 3,000 views on YouTube, Kellen Story's "Stuff Hall Directors Say To RAs...because swearing doesn't help build community" is a fantastic glimpse into the day-to-day humor that arises in residence life. Story, a graduate hall director and member of the SAAHE program at Ball State University, created the video "hastily," because "hall directors have a lot of work to do." It's satire at its finest. Story's story (how could I not resist doing that) on YouTube paints an accurate and humorous picture of stereotypical res life moments.

Long Distance Mom: Indentured Teens

I was shocked this weekend after calling car insurance companies to add my 16 year-old daughter, Katie, to my plan. Nick, my 18 year-old, is already covered, but apparently — due to some fortunate confusion by an agent — I was paying the Illinois rate (the state in which I work), not the Florida rate where my second car and teenagers are located.

More Thoughts on the Pseudo LMS in iTunes U

Last week, I described the new iTunes U app as a "pseudo-LMS." I've been thinking more about what that means -- about the implications of Apple's decision to re-present its educational content this way and how it contrasts to some of the education startups that are challenging what a LMS should look like.