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We Can (and Should) Do Better Than the AP Exam

A Q&A with Annie Abrams, author of a new book challenging the power of the College Board and its AP exams.

Making Mastery a Core Educational Value

What instructors can learn from Adam Gopnik’s The Real Work: The Mystery of Mastery.

3 Questions for Notre Dame’s Sonia Howell

A conversation with the director of the Office of Digital Learning.

How to Teach About Systemic Inequality and Racism

Without transforming your classroom into a struggle session.

The Value of Cross-National Comparisons

Whether we’re speaking about Haiti and the Dominican Republic or Canada and the United States, national comparisons are eye-opening.

The Discovery of Risk

Safetyism and its social consequences, or how to bring risk into the college classroom.

3 Questions for Coursera’s Cassidy Dadaos

Lessons learned six-plus years after pivoting from higher ed to ed tech.