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Closing the Idea-to-Curriculum Gap

One advantage of learning technology is it can help us close the gap between and idea and curriculum. When I...

Parts of the picture

I was reading through the latest edition of Greenpeace's Energy [R]evolution scenario. It's the third such effort, and lays out...

"Get Your Gen Eds Out of the Way"

Although I know I'm tempting the speech-code-police to come after me, I'll admit that if I were king of higher...

Words, but more pictures and music

Whilst escaping from Chez Rendell this morning, I espied what I thought was the end of a TV commercial put...

The Genius in All of Us

I'm convinced that technology will provide the bridge between learning theory and teaching practice in higher ed. The gap between...

Mothering at Mid-Career: Sad Stories

I’ve been consumed by news stories lately, one local—within the community of “mother bloggers” — and one national. The local...

Wal-Mart University? Really?

I take a week off from blogging, and Wal-Mart announces that it's entering higher education! I can't leave you people...

Learning Technologists and Campus Conversations

'"The idea of a "senior learning technologist" telling faculty that their syllabi should be made freely available is laughable." --Posted...