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Dear Paul Graham: Why Y Combinator Needs a Global Ed Tech Startup

Dear Paul Graham: I read about Y Combinator, your tech startup boot camp, in this month's Wired Magazine. With all...

Compromise: An agreement between two men to do what both agree is wrong.

From the archives for #NAFSA11 I started my first professional teaching job at the age of 22. I taught English...

Math Geek Mom: Ideas for Gifts?

One of the joys of teaching at Ursuline College is that I often get to teach women (and an occasional...

Messages from a washing machine

I started doing laundry when I was in my teens. When I began attending community college in the mid-90's I...

Journal 2

That odd feeling when time comes unstuck in us. To read Scott Fitzgerald’s Tender is the Night (1934) and find...

Motherhood After Tenure: The Legacy of the Freedom Riders

Last week I attended the 50th Reunion of the Freedom Riders, in Jackson, Mississippi, an event which honored the courageous...

The Interregnum

Don’t tell anyone... The brief gap between graduation and the start of summer classes is blissfully quiet. I can actually...

The Essential Mobile Teaching (and Learning) Platform?

Thought experiment. You are teaching a course that has a significant online (distance) component. Your mobile platform will be used...