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Happy Birthday, Mrs. Churm!

My Dear Mrs. Churm, On your birthday, I looked long and hard for something to convey my feelings anew, after...

A Cure for Spring Break

On campuses everywhere, the entire week before any break should be set aside for these kinds of colloquies: Prof: Where...

New Free Sex Sale!

That’s the headline of the world’s most successful advertisement, regardless of product—or would be, if someone had the courage to...

A Head Like Rock Maple

If you read my stuff, you know I’m a delicate flower—exquisitely sensitive—and a lover, not a fighter. But a self-reflective...

False Impressions

Is burnout a big force, like depression or exhaustion? Or is it an “incremental perturbation,” as John Barth calls drama...

Vietnam, Part 3

My cohort in the Miami MFA was a bit older and more diverse than others. We had among us a...

Vietnam, Part 2

I’ve always been interested in how we know where to go before we know why. It felt accidental some years...

Shakespeare's 7 Ages of the College Teacher

1. Cluelessness2. Terror3. Hope4. Competence5. Hubris6. Comeuppance7. Sabbatical Note: Adjuncts should omit Age 7 and carry on with Age 6...