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Our deepest sympathies go to those at Virginia Tech and their families. Violence on any campus is an attack on...

What Tom Knows

This is the second interview in a series. Two years ago I had an e-mail from another adjunct on campus...

From the Department of Oh My

Robert Olen Butler’s recent writing-advice book, From Where You Dream, warns of the difficulties of being a literary artist instead...

Churm House, Part 3

My wife and I will soon open part of our home as Churm House, an inn for wayward academics. When...

And Speaking of Movies

We have a brilliant young scholar friend whose critical mind won’t rest. Last summer he performed a Marxist critique of...

This Just In

Mrs. Churm was on Capitol Hill last week with NAFSA: Association for International Educators to help raise congressional awareness of...

Guest Blogger: Daniel Yoo

I planned at the start of this blog to have occasional guest writers, and today I'm pleased to bring you...

Voice and View

University English departments have splintered into literature, film studies, cultural studies, linguistics, rhetoric/writing studies, and business/technical writing divisions, each with...