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Some of you were curious if the man in the slideshow in my previous post is me. Alas, no. That’s...

Ask the Administrator: Crossing Over to the Dark Side

A longtime reader writes: I'm the math department chair of a high school. I waspromoted from within. I recognize that...

And Why Not?

Sometimes, when you've finished reading 56,000 exams, you have to take a break and go see a big concrete chicken...

Ask the Administrator: "Excuse Me, I'm Right Here!"

A new correspondent writes: As a newbie adjunct, I have a question about propriety. At my Community College, I regularly...

Keep 'Em Coming

Everyone focuses on neurasthenic high school juniors desperate to get into good colleges, but let's shift for a moment to...

Of Sameness

Here was my day, in a sentence: “The past of the character greatly contributes to the meaning of the novel...


If I knew the literature well enough, I'd start developing a theory of academic gossip. As it is, I'm stuck...

Bad Idea in the Bay State

According to this article in the Boston Globe, Gov. Patrick is considering a plan to make community colleges in Massachusetts...