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Sarko and 'Sixty-Eight

The Greek government has once again given up efforts to prod that country'sdead university system to life - violent street...

The Unlikelihood of Fathers

I didn’t grow up with a father, so my two sons have exactly as much experience with actual fatherhood as...

Blog Birthday Bits

Today is the third birthday of the blog. To celebrate (okay, not really, but a segue is a segue), I'll...

Study Skills Courses?

Apparently, a new study suggests that 'study skills' courses for college freshmen improves eventual academic success rates. This bothers me...

Antioch and Philanthropy

Antioch's demise has brought forth a great deal of ink, much of it smugly self-congratulatory, or bitter, or both. Colleges...

Waking The Boy

Although he gets a solid twelve hours a night (!), on some school mornings, TB really, really doesn't want to...

All About Greed

"[T]he NCAA, through all of their summits, hasn't accomplished anything to benefit the student athlete. People who say that one...

No, Not Really

In order to halt growing criticism (covered by Inside Higher Ed and the New York Times) of their ranking of...