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The Academic Success Entitlement

At one time, we imagined that students came to the university to learn, that they had an obligation to engage...

Freedom of Speech in Administration

(The confusion evident in this post isn't just a function of sloppy editing; it's an accurate reflection of my actual...

The Suicides

The saddest of university events in September are the suicides of sensitive, displaced, and troubled freshmen. To a new school...


Garrison Keillor recently wrote something to the effect that it's shocking to wake up one morning and realize that the...


EXT. BENCH NEAR STUDENT CENTER - DAY A PROF eats his lunch from a Styrofoam bowl. Enter his acquaintance, who...

The Sounds of Silence

Evil HR Lady gave me a heads-up regarding a question she received about adjoining faculty offices, when the respective faculty...

Projects, Promises, and Bank Shots

There's a great pair of posts up over at Bardiac's dealing with frustration over repeated overpromising (and selective guru loyalty)...


Every fall semester is the shock of the new. The courses repeat; the classrooms don't change; but every September there's...