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Ask the Administrator: Where Does the Money Go?

A Western correspondent writes: I work at a community college in northern California. I was hiredfull time after working part-time...

Plagiarism: Yours, Mine, and Ayres'

"Several passages in Yale Law School professor Ian Ayres ... new book are unattributed verbatim reproductions or nearly identical paraphrases...

Off the Grid

When The Wife asked me what I wanted for my birthday, I gave some of the usual answers, and a...

Taking Their Money

One of the policies my cc works under is a rule about “ability to benefit.” Basically, it means that we...

The Unconsciousness of Influence

One of the two best college teachers I ever knew—an older Ph.D. candidate who became an adjunct himself here for...

Ask the Administrator: Are Your Alums Good Enough to Teach for You?

A new correspondent writes: I'm a sophomore at a snooty-but-trying-not-to-be Private Liberal ArtsCollege who has recently discovered your blog and...

An Open Letter to Mayor Richard M. Daley

Dear Mayor Daley, I've seen some idiotic pronouncements over the years. “The insurgency is in its last throes,” “The Segway...

Ph.D.'s at CC's

An alert reader noticed my passing comment in a post last week and wrote to ask why I would support...