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Northern Illinois University

Every parent's nightmare happened again, this time at NIU. My condolences to the students, faculty, and families there. It's scary...

Ask the Administrator: You've Got to be Kidding...

A regular reader writes: A probationary faculty member in my college plagiarized his entire statement of teaching philosophy in his...

Sixties Leavings

Evidence of UD's still-throbbing 'sixties sensibility. A list that will be added to as UD thinks of more stuff. 1.]...

Fields for study

A column by a British (sometime-) academic may point the way toward research opportunities for American universities. George Monbiot has...

Thoughts on the Fifth Estate

Oso Raro has a thought-provoking, if maddening, piece up - check it out - on the changing role of the...

"I Need This Class to Stay on My Parents' Health Insurance"

As a political liberal -- and proud of it, thank you very much -- I believe that it's immoral for...

Sub-critical mass

Erin O’Connor, an English prof at Penn, blogs about higher ed, sometimes from a position politically to the right of...

Valentine's Gifts Even Academics Can Love

You know me. I’m a hardnosed intellectual, critic, and person of science, just like you. But Valentine’s Day is tricky—...