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How Not to Conduct a Presidential Search

An alert reader sent me a link to these articles in the Rochester (NY) Democrat and Chronicle, detailing the goings-on...

My Other Stuff

One of the added benefits (for me, anyway) of revealing my real name is being able to share other published...

National Service

Every election year, we start to get proposals for various national service programs as ways to pay for college. The...

An announcement and an accounting

First the announcement: the RSS feed is fixed. Those of you who aren't into RSS don't care, but some of...

Louisville Sluggards

An alert reader sent me a link to this article in the Louisville Courier-Journal. Apparently, Kentucky passed some 'reforms' about...

Who's Your Audience?

As an academic on a national job search, I read Richard Florida's latest, Who's Your City?, with mixed emotions. Florida...


I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by access, craving hysterical naked dragging themselves through wired rooms at...

The Rest of Spring Break

We’re finishing our spring break with a couple of days at the Hyatt on the Chicago River, and this view...