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What Dinty W. Moore Knows

My guest today, Dinty W. Moore, is a writer and professor of English at Ohio University. His books include The...

ABCs and PhDs

This is the first posting from Susan Bassow, Dana Campbell, and Liz Stockwell. We are three biology PhDs who deviated...

Silly Season

With finals just about to start, nearly everybody on campus is on her worst behavior. The students are jumpy, what...

Mothering at Mid-Career: What do you need?

A month or two ago I received an email asking me to fill out a survey. I usually delete these...

Fun with Demographics

Over at the FACE blog, there's a worthwhile question about the impending drop in the number of 18 year olds...

UD Takes A Year-Long Sabbatical From Teaching

The question of the sabbatical -- salaried time away from teaching and all other university activities --is caught up in...


I've been remiss. Mea culpa. Well, maybe not all that culpa; I'll plead mitigating circumstances. The end of the academic...

The Career Counselor Is In: Advice From 'The Other Side'

Editor’s Note: Megan Pincus Kajitani will be answering your career transition questions here each Monday. Read on, and send your...