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Ask the Administrator: Self-Paid Interview Travel?

A new correspondent writes: I've found myself in a little conundrum lately. I was contacted last week that I got...

ABCs and PhDs: Variety

I recently read a New York Times article describing a new study put out by the Center for Work Life...

Mothering at Mid-Career: What Summer is For

No matter how long I live on the academic schedule, I still have some trouble adjusting to what summer is...

Ask the Administrator: The "Four-Year" Degree

A longtime reader writes: Given the experience of some friends, I'm wondering what you think about the end of the...

The wrong locality

There's been an ongoing exchange on the Green Schools list ( In a nutshell, it simplifies to: Question: Is X...

Get in the game

According to Newsday (and reported worldwide), IBM and folks at Los Alamos have just raised the bar on computing power...

Ask the Administrator: Introducing Faculty Rank

A new correspondent writes: I teach at a smallish CC with no tenure system and no faculty rank designations. Technically...

The Career Coach Is In: Advice to a Wandering Twentysomething

This week, I’m going to include the full letter from a reader, because I think it’s a great illustration of...