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PROFESSOR MEETS GUN, Part 9: Suck My Glock

UD got a cab ride to the Chantilly, Virginia gun show last weekend with her taxi driver friend, G. No...

ABCs and PhDs: Summer Camp for Biologists

For the last month, my family and I have been living at the Friday Harbor Laboratories, run by the University...

We are not alone

When it comes time to create a campus sustainability plan, I'm not expecting to be able to limit my thinking...

Mothering at Mid-Career: Re-Entry #2

It took the better part of a week, but I think I'm over the jet lag now. The laundry is...

On Writing in Public

As a rule, I don't write in public. It's too exposed, a little pretentious, and just not me. Besides, when...

Thoughts on Service

It's a measure of just how far behind I've been lately that I didn't get around to this story until...

Drama Mama: A little more time to grow

Family. One of’s definitions of family reads: a group of people who may be blood relations who share common...

This Just in From Plato

Advice for novelists, essayists, and poets everywhere from Plato, by way of our mutual writer friend Marcus Aurelius: …he who...