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Grants and Plans

As direct operating subsidies are losing ground against our expenses, and becoming increasingly tenuous as tax revenues drop, we're turning...

Drama Mama: Two Nickels

So we were at the farmers market early in the morning before preschool and my son asked me if he...

Free Chapbook Just for You

Our friends at Featherproof Books, one of the most innovative new presses going, have a grand deal for you: They've...

Motherhood Beyond Tenure: How Rap Music Saved My Life

So far my sabbatical is not what I expected. I thought I’d stare for hours at a blank computer screen...

Overheard at the Junior Lego League Meeting

The scene: an organizational meeting of the junior lego league, in the elementary school cafeteria. We're sitting at the picnic-table-style...

ABCs and PhDs: Time to wander

I do a lot of writing in the shower. Well, no, not actually writing things down on waterproof paper or...

When the teacher is ready, the student will appear

One of the joys of doing sustainability work on campus is interacting with students. Now, I've been teaching part-time for...

Merit, Mortgages, and Meltdowns

This is old news nationally, but I can confirm that locally, we're seeing a definite impact of the mortgage meltdown...