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When the Boss is Awful

In response to yesterday's post, several commenters asked variations on "well, okay, but what if the dean is a jackass...

Widow X Waits for You

It’s easy to feel an exhilaration verging on hysteria at the start of a big research project; you don’t even...

Issues of scale

To attend a commencement last weekend, I had to travel overnight. Two related observations stick in my mind, although I...

Speaking Like a Hedgehog, Hearing Like a Fox

If you haven't yet seen Tenured Radical's wonderful post on how to think like an administrator, check it out. Most...

Mothering at Mid-Career: May Term

Last year at this time I was beginning to see the end of my sabbatical. My colleagues had wrapped up...

Career Coach: Changes in Priorities

I defended my dissertation — my last hurdle before graduation — two weeks before my son's due date. After the...

Dispatch from Suburbia

(Readers with pronounced visceral objections to suburbia might want to skip this post.) This weekend we went to the first...

Green gowns?

I attended another commencement this weekend. After the ceremony, I was chatting with one of the graduates. The subject of...