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SCUP-44: Initial Ravings

The air transport system in the USA (and probably in most other countries as well) isn't a good answer to...

Regional or National Accreditation?

In a comment a few days ago in response to my misgivings about a national online database of classes, someone...

Career Coach: Finding Financial Support

Dear Susan, I just came across your blog, and I am excited to find women discussing the stresses of balancing...


Leszek Kolakowski's death reminds us that Terry Eagleton's recent attack on the atheism of Christopher Hitchens and Richard Dawkins is...

Africa, Illinois

“History is a nightmare from which I am trying to awake,” says Stephen Dedalus in Ulysses. Ditto, but the more...

Ask the Administrator: Tracking the Elusive Full-Time English Gig

A new correspondent writes: I am considering a English Education master's degree with the intent of teaching at community colleges...

Math Geek Mom: Making Mistakes (Sometimes in Public)

When I was in graduate school, one of our teachers suggested to those of us planning to go on to...

Dinner meet-ups in Portland

This year's conference of SCUP (the Society for College and University Planning) is in Portland, OR next week. I'll be...