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A loss of faith?

Listening to NPR this morning, I heard a representative of the Bipartisan Policy Center (who? should I trust anyone whose...

Strange Days Indeed

Along with everybody else I’ve been reading the articles and op-ed pieces in the Times on the current “populist rage”...

Building for Non-Compliance

On my campus, we're discussing a change that's generating some feedback along the lines of "well, if everyone just did...

'Mad Men' and Learning Tech People

"Mad Men" won the Emmy for best drama Sunday night, the second year in a row that the show has...

A (pro)portion of sense

When you've got a personality like mine, you get used to being alone. A lot. (Actually, it's kind of peaceful...

Cash Cows

It's a commonplace of for-profit management that units can be characterized in one of three ways: rising stars, cash cows...


On the morning of the day my father killed himself, I woke up from a dream in which I was...

Triple Whammy: Academic Moms of Color

A r ecent study of women with postgraduate degrees suggests that black women born after 1950 are increasingly likely —...